Chronos Chronicles

May 29, 2011


Filed under: Journeying Forward — joanofacre @ 7:56 pm

Chapter 27


Once we clear the “door” the Twisters push us aside to make their way in. I am not sure what they hope to accomplish, save Carston. Kill the beast. or maybe to check that Carston is really dead. I don’t really care, I have Saul back.

I can’t stop touching Saul as we push our way out and to safety. I have to check everywhere. I brush his hair, there is dirt and dried blood in it. His shoulders hold too much tension. He looks tired and I want to find a quiet place where he can sleep and have me watch over him. I am so immersed with Saul’s well being that at first I miss Swanson’s first words, I only catch Saber’s reply.

“There is no need to thank us,” Saber is saying.

“I wasn’t thinking of it. but it looks like we going to have pick a new leader,” Swanson says grimly. ” and with the Twisters it is always a lot of fighting.”

“It might be easier if you just say you have the best plan,” Saber counters.

“You really expect them to follow me?” Swanson sounds incredulous.

“Why not,” I break in. “It sounds like you kept Carston’s contact with the rest of the twisters down to a minimum. You made a lasting peace with the Nightingales, You traveled and were good on your word. Just keep them too busy to think and next think you know you “are” the leader.”

“You are -so- scary,” Saul whispers in my ear after I finish my little pep talk.

“And if you can keep the Twisters and Nightingales together until spring I am sure we can get you out of here.” Saber adds the Kindred’s little incentive.

At this point Mabel had made her way over to us and has been listening to our conversation.

“Don’t tell me you don’t want to lead.” she scoffs at him. “Because I know you are full of it. You have been planing something, you only need something or some-ones,” she shoots me and the Kindred a glance. ” To make it work.”

“Ah, Mabel, my sweetheart, ” Swanson says and sweeps her into his arms. ” You know me too well.”

“Damn straight,” she says and frowns and squirms out of his embrace. “now get you grubby hands off of me. “

Saul and all the men for that matter, chuckle at her actions. I look on confused by it all. I though Mabel liked him. Or maybe she likes Holliday. Whatever in this case it is not really my problem.

“Swanson, I think this is your shot at leadership,” I point at the Twisters milling round. Many of whom are looking upset and ill as the shock of what has just happened sets in. “Get your people out of here and keep us alive.” I suggest to keep things moving.

“Let’s get going then,” Saber says in agreement.

The Kindred Protectors move as one, I grab Saul and we all start to troop out of the basement.

I hear a cry raised to stop us, but when I look back it is to see, Swanson raising his hands and keeps his people at bay.

“No, NO I said, they have gone through enough, Just let them go.” He says, addressing the crowd.”they was going to help us. And they might still even after what’s been done. They understand about Carston. We’s going to do something different, maybe even take a page or two from our neighbors the Nightingales.” His speech seems to work as we are able to walk out of there unmolested.

“We should go back to the Hummer and get some rest,” Saber says to the group. I guess his is already planning for our next move.

“I think that sounds like a great idea,” Seattle says in a strained voice.

“But I don’t think we should leave just yet,” Holliday adds. I can only assume he is remembering the 2 Mormon girls we left in Marcus’ care. The Compound is more then likely the best place to hide them until we can get them some help.

I am happy to note that he doesn’t say anything in front of the Twisters. Even thought knowing about the girls is what started all this paranoia. Saber gives Holliday a puzzled look, but Holliday just shakes his head. “later” he says.

Saul and I are too busy holding hands and enjoying being alive. we don’t add anything. This is really Saber’s show anyways, I think to myself. I got us here and I got us back together. Once he has all the facts it is up to him to decide.


Chapter 26 < Home > Chapter 28

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